TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Faculty of materials Science and Technology:
- Institute of Physical metallurgy
- Institute of Iron and Steel
- Institute of non-ferrous and pure metallurgy
- Institute of foundry
Faculty of geoscience, geotechnics and mining
- Institute of Mining
- Institute of Mineralogy
TU Clausthal
Faculty of Natural and Materials Sciences
Institute for Metallurgy:
- Department of Thermochemistry & Microkinetics
- Extractive Metallurgy
- Process Metallurgy
- Department of Foundry Technology
- Chair of metal forming and processing
Institute of Material Sciences and Engineering
- Chair of Materials and Metalphysic
- Chair of Materials and Materials Tecnology
Institute of Non-Metallic Materials
Institute of Polymer Materials and Plastics Engeneering
Institute of Technical Chemistry
RWTH Aachen University
Faculty for Georesources and Materials Engineering
Division of Mining Engineering, Mineral processing and Recycling
- Department of Ferrous Metallurgy (EHK)
- Institute of Mineral Engineering (GHI)
- Department of process Metallurgy and Metal Recycling (IME)
- Foundry Insitute (GI)
- Institute of Metal Forming (IBF)
- Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering (IOB)
- Department and Chaie of Physical Metallurgy and Metal Physics (IME)
- Materials Chemistry (MCh)
- Chair of Process control Engineering (PLT)
TU Berlin
www.tu-berlin.deFaculty 3
Process Sciences
Institute for Materials Science and Technology
- Materials Technology
- Metal materials
- Ceramic materials
- Polymer Technology /Polymer physic
Fried-Alexander-Universty Erlangen-Nurenberg
Fried-Alexander-Universty Erlangen-Nurenberg
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Materials Science and Engineering:
- Chair of General Properties of Materials
- Chair of Corrosion and Surface Technology
- Chair of Glass and Ceramics
- Chair of Polymers Science
- Chair of Materials for Electronics and Energy
- Chair of Metals Science and Technology
- Chair of Materials and Metalphysic
- Institute of Materials Science
T U Munich
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering:
University of Stuttgart
Faculty Chemistry